The Biggest Benefits of Keratin Treatments


Using keratin to keep hair looking its best is one of the most common things men and women alike do for their looks. This can help keep hair looking shiny, gorgeous, and healthy without leaving your hair struggling for support later on. With other hairstyling methods and treatments such as using a straight iron, hair can burn, fray, and break. However, keratin hair treatment uses a substance that your hair is already made up of to strengthen it and make it look absolutely amazing after just one treatment.

Keratin is the protein used to create the majority of your natural hair and it can be damaged from constant styling, cutting, primping, colouring, and everything else done to it over time. Adding keratin to your hair with a specialised treatment can help repair the damage caused by these practices, leaving your hair looking absolutely phenomenal in a short period of time. In short, this treatment can take your damaged, frayed hair and give it the materials needed for repair and rejuvenation.


Your hair is already made up primarily of keratin, making keratin treatment one of the best things that you can do for it. This treatment is absorbed through the hair follicle and then deep into the cortex of the hair. Each individual strand will take this substance in and begin using it to repair itself. Some beauty treatments promise visible results after “just six weeks” but a single treatment with keratin can show dramatic results. You should never be forced to keep using a product for over a month in the hope that it might begin to work.

What to Know

As you begin considering keratin for your hair, you should first determine if your hair type is right for the service. Curly and frizzy textures often see the most significant benefits but fine straight strands are not suitable for the option. Keratin options fill in the porosity of your natural hair and hair that is too porous causes the tangles, frizz, and breaks. In short, hair that is lacking enough protein or that has damaged proteins can be restored with this type of solution.

Due to its natural properties, expect your hair to immediately appear shinier, less frizzy, and easier to style. It will help you to speak with a stylist before you choose this option to ensure that you get the best formula for your unique hair, especially if you are a blonde. Whenever possible, especially in regard to the hair on your head, you should speak with a professional to ensure that you take the best treatment possible.

Dry shampoo should be your next step after a treatment because you are not allowed to wash your hair or tie it up for at least two days. You will also need to look closely at the ingredients of your usual conditioner and shampoo because you want something without sulphate. With proper care, your results should look absolutely beautiful for quite some time, allowing you to walk with confidence and turn some heads along the way.